Tag Archives: Sunday Times

Global food system hurts people, crushes nature

It’s hard to keep being shocked or even surprised at the litany of reports on the dire condition of our biosphere, but the recent Chatham House study on biodiversity is still an eye-opener. Politicians often claim their job is to … Continue reading

Posted in Agriculture, Biodiversity, Global Warming, Sustainability | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

Sunday Times shows its hand. Again.

Last April, I gave a lecture to the Met Society of Ireland in Glasnevin. A Sunday Times reporter was in the audience, though she did not make herself known to me, ask any questions or attempt to speak to me … Continue reading

Posted in Global Warming, Irish Focus, Media, Sceptics | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Heavy weather for climate science

You would think that people whose business is the weather would be pretty informed about climate change. The reality is a great deal more complex. In the US, weathermen, for many the very public, trusted face of science, are split … Continue reading

Posted in Global Warming, Irish Focus, Media, Sceptics | Tagged , , , , , , | 7 Comments

Now we’re getting somewhere

Earlier today, at a very well attended press conference in Leinster House, the all-party Oireachtas Committee on Climate Change and Energy released their report, ‘The case for a climate change law’. Committee rapporteur, Liz McManus likened the position we now … Continue reading

Posted in Global Warming, Irish Focus, Media, Sustainability | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 29 Comments

Getting the green message out is no Picnic

I gave the eco credentials of the Electric Picnic an enthusiastic write up in Thursday’s Irish Times column, describing it as “probably one of the most impressive environmental showcases ever assembled in Ireland”. The theme was taken up later that … Continue reading

Posted in Global Warming, Irish Focus, Sustainability | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments