Monthly Archives: December 2007
A nuclear 2008?
As the dust settles on the Christmas period, an interesting contribution on the nuclear debate in Ireland (what debate? You might well ask) comes from David Begg, general secretary of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU). As everyone in … Continue reading
All I want for Christmas…
‘Dear Santa, My name is Reece Martin. I am 7 years old. I have been a good boy for my Mam and Dad. This year I would really like a black PSP Wipeout Pulse and ratchet and clank for the … Continue reading
Cutting our car-borne emissions won’t be easy
Two interesting car-related events today. First, the European Union announced its plans to crack down on high-emitting vehicles, with direct penalties on carmakers who continue to churn out gas-guzzlers. This was announced on the day that this correspondent finally placed … Continue reading
After Bali, a warming world on thin ice
After all the histrionics, eventually a roadmap of sorts was agreed at the UN climate conference in Bali. This roadmap first leads to Poznan in Poland in a year’s time, and then on to Copenhagen in late 2009 – that’s … Continue reading
A chink of light from Bali?
As we write, it appears that the UN climate summit is ‘on the brink’ of a deal. A bloc comprising the US, Japan and Canada have been working together to block any agreement that imposed any actual deadlines or any … Continue reading
“There is no plan B’
That’s how Australia’s new prime minister, Kevin Rudd today set it out to delegates in Bali on climate change. “There is is no other planet any of us can escape to”. Rudd recently thrashed outgoing PM, John Howard, and the … Continue reading
They killed Kyoto, will they now butcher Bali too?
“Watch out for Canada, the US and Saudi Arabia” – that was the warning from a spokesperson for Climate Action Network, quoting a leaked memo from Ottowa ordering Canadian delegates to demand binding reductions from all major emitters, ie. China … Continue reading
‘Santa’ Klaus the climate sceptic
Ho ho ho. Vaclav Klaus thinks that the movement to prevent global warming is in fact a new ideology that threatens to undermine freedom and the world’s social and economic order. Klaus feels so strongly about this that he has … Continue reading
Making peace with the planet
You have to hand it to Al Gore. Yes, his hopeless presidential campaign in 2000 gifted the Presidency to the most rapacious group of robber barons since their heyday in the late 19th Century. Yes, he is a bit of … Continue reading
Taking to the streets of Dublin for climate change
Yesterday, December 8th, was World Climate Day, and it was marked by protest marches in around 50 cities globally, including an estimated turnout of 10,000 in London. Compare that with the more than half a million who turned out – … Continue reading
Carbon Budget – what does it actually mean?
“The Carbon Budget marks the beginning of a new era. It is an era in which climate change moves to the heart of Government decision-making. It puts our responsibilities to tackle climate change on an equal footing with our responsibilities … Continue reading
Ireland’s first Carbon Budget
Later today, Environment Minister John Gormley will present Ireland’s first ever ‘carbon budget’ to the Dail. Whatever about its practical effect in the short term, this is a highly symbolic move. Remember, a few short months ago, one Dick Roche … Continue reading
A time bomb in the wilderness
CO2, we’re told, is the knife at the throat of world climate. Methane has so far got much less press, mostly because there’s a lot less of it in the atmosphere. And just as well; methane is 23 times more … Continue reading