Monthly Archives: January 2023

Spreading a deadly smokescreen of disinformation

Long before the fossil fuel industry began using its money and influence to spread doubt and disinformation about the climate crisis, the book on how to dupe and deceive the public by peddling doubt had been practically written by the … Continue reading

Posted in Energy, Global Warming, Irish Focus | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Bracing for the coming climate refugee crisis

The millions of people displaced by wars and conflict in the 20th century and in the early part of this century are likely to be eclipsed by a vast waves of forced migration in the decades ahead, as rising temperatures, … Continue reading

Posted in Global Warming, Habitat/Species, Sustainability | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Ozone recovery offers sliver of optimism on climate action

Good news stories on the climate beat are few and far between, and offer occasional relief from the quickening drumbeat of bad news on the climate and biodiversity front. I didn’t have to be asked twice to file this piece … Continue reading

Posted in Arctic, Global Warming, Pollution, Sustainability | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Step by step towards a lower carbon future

Here’s a piece that ran in the Irish Daily Star in the first week of January, my 10-point guide for those dipping a toe in the water of climate action in 2023. It’s not intended to be either definitive or … Continue reading

Posted in Global Warming, Irish Focus, Psychology, Sustainability | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Dialling up the global thermostat another notch in 2022

It sounds almost a cliché to say that last year was a year of weather extremes. After all, which year out of the last 20 hasn’t been? After all, according to the WMO, the past eight years have been the … Continue reading

Posted in Agriculture, Economics, Energy, Global Warming, Irish Focus, Just Stop Oil | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment